Do you need employment law support?

The ever-changing legal landscape reaches every corner of your business and can impact your workforce in complex ways.

Supporting your employment law challenges 

In the current climate of rapidly changing business needs, employment law remains a key part of the equation: it’s about your people – the essence of your organisation. Companies have to deal with day-to-day employment law challenges they’re confronted with, but also be able to quickly transform themselves and their workforce when the need arises. To do so, they must design an all-encompassing people strategy that’s aimed at developing their workforce of the future.

Our team of employment law experts excels in turning the complexities of employment law into strategic advantages for your company and will guide you through both specific issues and all-round solutions. To be able to do so, our team works fully integrated with the other PwC Legal practices in order to provide you with the holistic and tailor-made workforce solutions you need to drive your business forward.

In addition, the PwC Legal Network extends across more than 90 countries, providing the infrastructure to swiftly set up cross-border teams to tackle employment-related challenges with an international character.

How we can help

Compensation and benefits

Getting the people you need on board – and keeping them – can be challenging, so it’s essential to be seen as an employer of choice; and our experts can help you put together a competitive compensation and benefits package. We’re experienced in setting up new bonus plans or analysing existing ones, including equity-based plans. We can implement flexible reward schemes, analyse different compensation and benefits elements from a labour law and social security point of view as well as draft pension plans.

HR dispute resolutions and litigations

Our team of employment lawyers is ready to assist you in resolving any and all employment-related disputes, including but not limited to: disputes with different labour law and social security authorities, disputes arising from a social inspection, negotiations with trade unions and disputes with individual employees. We’ll actively work towards reaching an amicable settlement that’s acceptable for all parties, but we’re also fully equipped to represent you before the Belgian labour tribunals and courts if needed.

HR transformation and restructuring

Change is inevitable and almost all organisations face restructuring at one point or another. Be it a transfer of undertaking, merger, carve-out, transformation or collective dismissal, our approach is aimed at making change smoother by guiding your project from concept to implementation. We can conduct a project feasibility study and draft detailed step-by-step restructuring HR road maps, as well as all necessary restructuring-related HR documents and agreements. We’ll assist with the information and consultation obligations, negotiate with employee representative bodies, and are furthermore fully equipped to calculate the HR legal impact of any type of restructuring, not to mention assist with post-deal harmonisation.

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Individual and collective labour law

The complex world of labour law is a labyrinth of rules and regulations that requires deep understanding and extensive expertise to navigate. Therefore, our commitment to guide you and provide day-to-day labour law support lies at the heart of our services; from drafting employment agreements, work regulations, company policies and collective bargaining agreements to answering questions on topics such as working time, different types of leave and cross-border employment situations, and assisting with dismissals. We advise on matters related to a company’s works council and the committee for prevention and protection at work; and we negotiate with the trade union delegations. 

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PwC Legal helps you unlock workforce potential through

New way of working and sustainability

Our experts can help you create a flexible organisation with a sustainable workforce. We can assist you with designing and implementing the new way of working within your organisation; with special attention to flexibility and employee wellbeing, all while respecting social consultation procedures. Our approach includes finding your optimal solution for flexibility in terms of workforce, work type, workplace and working time and includes devising and deploying a(n) international work from home/work from anywhere strategy. We can assist you in achieving equality, diversity, equity and inclusion within your organisation and reward practices, including by drafting company policies on issues like bullying, discrimination and whistleblowing. 


Our Employment law privacy experts can help you with all employment-related privacy matters that arise throughout the entire employment life cycle. This includes advising you on the principles applicable to gathering, processing and storing employment-related data during an employee’s selection process and their actual employment, as well as at the end of their employment agreement. We can also provide guidance and assistance with the legal framework that’s applicable when a company wants to monitor its employees and their digital communication, as well as drafting the necessary policies and guidelines in this respect.

Social inspections

In a world where workforce dynamics and regulations are constantly evolving, it’s vital that a company carefully manages its workforce risks. Our experts can help you do so by conducting a workforce audit to report on your organisation’s level of compliance, followed by an action plan to remedy identified areas of improvement and lastly, putting it into effect. We’re also experienced in providing full-scope guidance during social inspections, including on-site assistance

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Contact us

Pascale Moreau

Pascale Moreau

Lawyer - Partner, PwC Legal BV/SRL

Tel: +32 479 90 02 76

Olivier Chapelle

Olivier Chapelle

Lawyer - Director, PwC Legal BV/SRL

Tel: +32 474 55 27 06

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